HomeSales Funnels

Sales Funnels

The Anatomy Of A Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is a comprehensive automation system designed to attract and engage potential leads, guiding them through their journey from initial interest to becoming loyal customers. By leveraging email and SMS mobile marketing, a sales funnel nurtures prospects, builds a contact list, and systematically moves them towards conversion or exit. 

Well this technology as been proven for many years off line and online, it’s simply based on human behavior in the buying process. Rarely people will buy on the first visit to a retail store or any online business they don’t know and trust. People usually shop around, do their due diligence first before taking action. It’s also proven that a new online visitor needs to be exposed to your marketing at least 7 times before they make a purchase, hence a sales funnel.

The main focus of a sales funnel is to qualify captured leads, inform and educate them about your business, it’s called the nurturing phase where the leads become warmer and more open to your marketing, slowly they get to trust you as you provide important high quality content about your business, you show them why you’re a good fit to what they’re looking for and why you’re they only smart choice for them. This is all done through email marketing and SMS mobile marketing.

Imagine a funnel that channels a large amount of liquid at the top into a refined, smaller stream at the bottom. That’s exactly how a sales funnel works. A large volume of traffic enters at the top, and sales flow out from the bottom. While there are several steps along the way, the concept remains simple and straightforward.

Several components constitute a sales funnel. It leverages a few psychological triggers, but it also hinges on your ability to share relevant stories that build rapport with prospects and describe their problems better than they can. Although guiding someone from the top of the funnel to the bottom involves many steps.

AIDA Framework

Sales Funnel Lead Magnet

1- Don’t Send Paid Traffic To Your Website

If you’re directing Google Ads traffic straight to your website, you might be seeing less-than-ideal conversion rates.

While a well-optimized Google Ads account is essential, your website alone isn’t enough to close sales. It often serves as a showcase rather than a powerful selling tool, with too many distractions that lead visitors away from taking action. 

Websites are often filled with menus and submenus, numerous buttons and sections, detailed information about the company and its products, and much more. With so many options available, visitors can easily feel overwhelmed. This is especially concerning as human attention spans are rapidly declining, now even shorter than that of a monkey.

A sales funnel addresses this issue with precision.

2- Send Paid Traffic To A Landing Page

By creating a dedicated landing page focused on a single product or service, we streamline the visitor’s choices. This page eliminates distractions and guides them towards a clear action—either providing their information via an opt-in form or leaving.

This focused approach significantly boosts conversion rates by reducing options and focusing on what matters most. Only one product or service should be promoted on each landing page.

While a website aims to accomplish various tasks simultaneously, your sales funnel should focus on a single objective—whether it’s making a sale or capturing an opt-in. Each page within the sales funnel should target a specific aspect of that overall goal.

When paired with psychological triggers like urgency and scarcity, sales funnels have the potential to transform any business almost overnight.

3- How Do You Capture Leads?

The core idea of the landing page is to provide something valuable for free in exchange for the visitor’s name and email address. This is known as a “Lead Magnet.” It could be in a form of an eBook, a free webinar or free consultation. 

This piece of content is vital to the funnel’s success. If it’s not done right, selling your products or services will be much harder. The lead magnet should address part of the solution your visitor is seeking, providing immediate relief and enticing them to want more.


4- Marketing Automation Developing the nurturing sequence: 

Once we capture leads, it’s important to nurture them with a series of follow-up emails and SMS messages. This will help build trust and establish a relationship with the prospect. You see, because of the unique humain nature, the online behavior during a sales process. 

5- Online buying process

People, in general will have to be exposed to your marketing messages at least 7 times before making a purchase. Yes of course, they’re always exceptions to the rule, if your Amazon or eBay, then what was just explained doesn’t apply to these huge sites. 

6- Conversion Rate

A general rule of thumb, based on human behavior studies when interacting with a brand online, lucky are the ones that can convert a first time visitor into a paying customer at 1% of your trafic volume. Rarely, are websites that will make sales on the first visit and convert at 5% of the trafic volume, only about 10% of all websites online will achieve that kind of stats. Sure you can convert leads (sign-ups) at 20-25% or more conversion with proper conversion tracking and A/B testing on the first visit, but a sale conversion is very different than a lead conversion. That is why sales funnels where invented.

A Sales Funnel Is Like Having Your Best Sales Person Pitching Your Company 24/7/365 On Autopilot!

Sales Funnel Mapping

How Do I Get Started?

Simply follow the 3 easy steps below!

Fill Out The Form Below

If you have a Google Ads account and want to take the advantage of our FREE Audit, fill out the form below and enter your Google Ads account number. If you're interested in having a sales funnel build for your business, put as much information as possible in the form message field below, also enter your website URL if you have one. You will receive within 24 hours an email request from WebPros to manage your account, please agree and give full admin rights so I can access your account and start the audit. You can also enter as much information as possible about your Google Ads Experience, challenges and expected goals.
Direction Arrows
Step 1

Complete Report With Recommendations

You will receive a quotation for building your sales funnel automation system. If you have a Google Ads Account, once your Google Ads Account Audit is complete, you will receive a comprehensive report outlining the issues that are draining your ad spend and hindering a positive ROI. Additionally, you'll get a strategic plan with recommendations to boost your ROAS (return-on-ad-spend), lower your CPA (cost-per-acquisition), and enhance your overall ROI (return-on-investment).
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Step 2

Meeting With Google Meet

If you're interested in the proposal, we’ll schedule a Google Meet to discuss your business in detail. This will give me a chance to understand your goals and expectations better and tailor our approach to meet your needs.
Step 3
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